Ryan Dennhardt, Ward Laboratories, Inc

Who knew water quality had such an impact on beer?!

The Environmental Lab Podcast!


This Memorial Day, we honor and remember the brave men and women who gave their lives for our freedom. Thank you for your incredible sacrifice.


Ryan Dennhardt from Ward Laboratories. Ryan shares his insights on blending human resources with operational strategies to enhance lab efficiency and growth.

Top 3 Topics We Discuss You Want To Hear:

  1. Transition to Lab Management: Hear how Ryan moved from managing staffing agencies to supporting operations at Ward Laboratories, applying his business expertise to laboratory challenges.

  2. Optimizing Lab Workflow: Ryan explains specific improvements he has implemented to speed up sample processing and reduce operational bottlenecks.

  3. Strategies for Sales Growth: Learn about Ryan’s approach to generating new business opportunities, including his methods for nurturing leads and building customer loyalty.


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  • Ward believes in a business structure that empowers their talent. Their scientists focus on science and have others focus on the business. Many labs have their scientists running the lab, selling, marketing and accounting. This can lead to challenges and stinted growth.

  • Ryan loves his job. He loves learning more and doing more everyday. Ward has created a culture their people are proud of and it shows in their performance.

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I’m your host, Mike Gaumer, CEO of LIMs-Plus


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