Elevating Laboratory Value: Beyond Test Results

The value I see that labs have are incredible. I'm not sure all that value is getting to the end-user. How can labs harness it to make more money?

The Environmental Lab Podcast!

Every time I speak to a client or prospect I learn something new. It’s fantastic. It is an opportunity for me to think about what I’ve learned across many spectrums and use-cases. It is my obligation to go down each rabbit hole. This article is another example of my process doing that. The value I see that labs have are incredible. I'm not sure all that value is getting to the end-user. How can labs harness it to make more money?

Environmental laboratories are more than facilities for testing. They are hubs of expertise that can enhance client satisfaction and operational efficiency. In today’s competitive landscape, labs must use their expertise to provide results, and interpret them in ways that add tangible value to their clients. This approach can be the value proposition your lab can offer that others don’t. There is a pricing war happening. The lowest price tends to win. Adding value may lead to loyalty, more business and revenue for your lab. Separate yourself from the low-price war.

The Undervalued Asset: Expert Recommendations

The data produced can often be as complex as it is voluminous. The primary deliverable is the test results themselves. There is opportunity for labs to provide extra value through expert analysis and recommendations.

  • LIMs-Plus is here to solve problems for labs.

  • Labs are here to solve problems for their clients.

  • Let’s get to solving instead of sending out numbers.

Imagine a scenario where a lab not only reports on the nitrate levels in soil but also provides a tailored recommendation for fertilizer application rates based on those results. Consider air quality testing where a lab doesn’t count pollutant levels but advises on air filtration solutions tailored to the specific contaminants detected. Labs transform raw data into actionable insights that clients can use to make decisions about their businesses or regulatory compliance strategies.

Real-World Implications

In a recent discussion, a lab professional highlighted how manual processes and outdated systems hampered their ability to perform extended analyses and offer these value-added services. They noted that automating these processes and integrating smarter LIMS (Laboratory Information Management Systems) would not only streamline operations but also free up expert staff to focus on more strategic tasks such as data interpretation and recommendation formulation.

For instance, in water testing, labs could use historical data and trend analysis to predict future contamination issues. They could tell clients how to prevent this in their instance. In soil testing, labs could integrate geographic information system (GIS) data to provide location-specific advice that considers both the chemical and physical characteristics of the soil. For air quality testing, labs could develop predictive models that help clients expect regulatory changes and adjust their operations. The use-cases are endless. The only challenge to overcome is access to and usability of their data. Oh yea, and having the time to commit to effort like this instead of daily, redundant tasks.

Commitment to Compliance and Managing Risks

When providing recommendations, labs must navigate the potential liability. Labs establish clear protocols and ensure that all recommendations are on validated data. They must adhere to relevant standards and regulations. Here are a few practical tips for labs considering offering this extra service:

  • Documentation and Transparency: Keep detailed records of recommendations and ensure clients understand the basis of these suggestions.

  • Regular Training: Ensure that staff are trained on the latest regulations and best practices to maintain compliance.

  • Client Agreements: Define the scope of services in client contracts, specifying the responsibilities and limitations of the advice provided.

Solve this with simple and clear communications on your reports. It’s easy. DOn’t overcomplicate things.

The Business Case for Enhanced Lab Services

Differentiate yourself in a market where technical capabilities are often similar across providers.

Consider this:
Apple and Samsung offer the same tool and capabilities in phones. Why can iPhone charge so much more and own a huge chunk of the market? How did they do that?

Transform the lab-client relationship from a transactional one to a collaborative partnership. The lab is an essential part of the client’s operational success. Take on that role.

Labs that adopt this approach can command higher fees for their services. They are not selling tests, but solutions and peace of mind. Increase client retention and attract new clients through the reputation you build. Providing value spreads fast.

Conclusion: LIMs-Plus Commitment

At LIMs-Plus, we to help labs achieve these goals.We are here to solve lab problems. We are here to help you harness your data. We are here to differentiate you to your clients. We are here so your lab can provide insights and recommendations that make results valuable.

If you’re ready to take your lab to the next level by providing more than test results, reach out to us at LIMs-Plus. We offer a free lab assessment to help you identify how you can enhance your service offering and grow your business. Contact us today at Mike@lims-plus to explore how we can help you transform your lab operations and client relationships.

I have questions that I need answered:

  1. How could this work in the case of water treatment plants?

  2. What partnerships could this lead to in the consumer space? (EX: If a consumer needs a filtration system, can I partner with a company that sells and installs them?

  3. Is there liability in these recommendations I am not considering?

If you have insight into these questions I want to hear from you! There is never-ending learning potential for me and LIMs-Plus. Setup time to chat with me here:

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I’m your host, Mike Gaumer, CEO of LIMs-Plus


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